Original article published on 11/27/2022
Organizational models
based on self-management, self-organization, shared power, which promote
different types of leadership, must be built upon trust. These models can also
serve as frameworks that facilitate the creation of trust in entire
organization. I talk about trust in a personal and in a professional way.
But how can we build
and maintain trust in organizations? Although there is no "magic
recipe" I will explain a couple of ideas that I hope they can help:
Firstly, humility. As
Manel Muntada wrote in his article The Logic of Humility in Leadership,
"humility consists of being aware of one's own limits and acting
accordingly." This should be a characteristic shared by individuals
leading teams, organizations, and ecosystems.
On the other hand,
over the past few months, I have been working with a team, both as a group and
individually. Through many hours of conversations, given the necessary and safety
places to talk, I have developed the idea that each person constructs a certain
circle of trust.
As individuals, we
can have and build trust with a specific number of people. This is because
trust requires us to know each other, recognize each other, understand each
other, and empathize. And for all of this we need to see how we act each other
in concrete actions, so we need time, and adequate environments. Then, each of
us will reach a certain, and probably diverse, number of people. We will create
a specific circle of trust around ourselves.
Each one’s circles
will intertwine, creating shared spaces between two or more individuals.
Simultaneously, our circle of trust will extend to people whom others might not
be able to reach.
And so, in
organizational models based on self-management and self-organization, in which
we seek to find different kinds of leadership can contribute to generating and
nurturing trust throughout the entire organization.
If each leader tries
to build trust inside his circle, especially in those spaces that intersect
with other circles, it can be an opportunity to infuse the entire organization
with trust.
It’ll be important being
aware of one's own limits and acting according to them and understanding that a
single person cannot build trust throughout an entire organization. All people
in organization will have to weave trust, especially by those who hold certain
leadership position.
We mustn't forget
that leaders are not merely those with a position on the business card, on the email
signature, neither on the organizational chart. Leaders are those who inspire
and build trust in their teams and in those people around them, in their
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