Original article published in catalan on 02/11/2022 This is the speech I made last January 26, 2023, in the session of " Apunts 654C. Imperdibles de La Confederació ". First, I want to contextualize from where I talk about the following ideas: I talk from the knowledge I have been acquiring in recent years, reading, studying, and writing. At this point I want to mention that a most part of the ideas that I explain here are reflections made and written jointly with Fernando Fantova and that we have been publishing in Llei d’Engel between 2020 and 2022. Also, I talk from the experience I have been acquiring by having the opportunity to participate actively, together with other colleagues, in the process of organizational transformation that we are carrying out at Fundació el Maresme. At the same time, I contribute ideas from a critical perspective: asking myself what we can do differently to respond to the social complexity and challe...