Original article published in Catalan on 03/20/2023. In the present text, I want to share some interrelated ideas and proposals between the construction of collective knowledge, democratic governance, organizational structures, and "real" transformation. By collective knowledge, we refer to the result of engaging in dialogue, subsequently organizing and systematizing, different types of people who possess various knowledge with the intention of seeking a response or solution to a challenge or problem. Theoretically, there are many definitions of what knowledge is and what types exist, but I like the definition given by Joaquín Gairín (2015), who says that knowledge is the "backpack" that each of us carries. As a result of our perceptions, educational experiences, and life experiences, we accumulate concepts, ideas, feelings, frustrations, points of view, etc., which often explain what we say or don't say, what we defend, or simply say or do. So, if we ...