

  Original article published in catalan on 08/14/2024 Most organizations in the 21st century rely on the knowledge of the people who make them up, so one of the main challenges will be knowledge management. However, knowledge management should not be approached merely from a "classic" perspective—where one or a few people define training and development plans for employees—but from a more comprehensive and holistic view of organizations. People close to me have likely heard me refer to a quote by Steve Jobs: “It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do.” Therefore, one of the challenges organizations face is how to design and implement organizational models that encourage the contribution of knowledge from employees. These models must also be flexible enough to facilitate the emergence or construction of the most relevant knowledge at any given moment. A more comprehensive and holistic view of organizations involves seeing them as complex sy


  Original article published in catalan on 07/14/2024 The way an organization is structured and governed is not neutral in achieving what we aim to accomplish, which is why it is important to dedicate effort to thinking about and designing the model we want to guide the organization, project, or ecosystem we work in. At the same time, it is crucial to keep the mission and the purpose of what we are doing in mind. If this is not the case, we risk losing focus on why we are redefining organizational models, both in terms of their structures and their dynamics. This is why I believe it is important to define in a participatory way the purpose of an organizational change: What do we aim to achieve? What is the point of redefining the structure? The dynamics? Afterward, try to specify how, when, and who will work on the change. The “why” should guide and orient the path of transformation. It is like keeping the North Star in sight if we have decided to head north. However, the how, when, an


  Original article published in catalan on 06/01/2024 A few weeks ago, I was asked to explain what leadership means to me. To do so, I turned to influential authors who have spent many years studying and writing about the subject, complementing their insights with my own perspective. Leadership is a vast concept, and I thought the best way to address it was by drawing from well-known experts in the field. However, upon further reflection, I believe that leadership does not have a single perspective and is likely nourished by a multitude of ways to see, live, and experience it. It encompasses diverse forms and styles, and also varies from the angle of moments when one is expected to lead and the angle of witnessing someone else in action. Therefore, I will continue to contribute some thoughts on what leadership is or should be in organizations today, specifically in those that aim to value and incorporate the voices of their employees into their strategies. What is Leading? Le


Original article published in catalan on 02/24/24 What is the  strategy  an organization? We could define it as the plan that an organization decides to follow over a set period. It is the direction, the map that allows us to look beyond and set long-term goals. Therefore, developing a strategy is highly recommended for any organization aiming to fulfill its mission effectively. The mission is the reason for existence, the reason why organizations are established, and it usually remains stable over time, or at least for several years. In contrast, the strategy is set for a much shorter term, typically between three and five years. Not all organizations question and reevaluate their strategy. I would venture to say that organizations that do not engage in periodic strategic reflection processes can be explained by two main reasons: Organizations in delicate or critical economic situations that focus all their energy and efforts on reversing this situation. Organizations that bel


  Original article published in catalan on 12/31/2023 Today, the last day of the year, we often review what the year has been like and also think about and project how we would like the new year starting tomorrow to be. This projection would be like a vision (short term, one year) of our wishes, challenges, dreams, and hopes. It is an individual vision if we formulate it ourselves, or shared if it is formulated by others: family, friends, colleagues... So, to close the year and think about the next one, I thought it might be a good time to share some interesting ideas about shared vision in organizations as presented by Peter Senge (2005) in his book The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization . These are: “Personal visions are images we carry in our heads and hearts, while shared vision consists of images that people in an organization hold that reinforce the sense of a common bond. A vision is not shared unless it connects wit


  Original article published in catalan on 10/15/2023 With this writing, I want to organize ideas and document some current visions/reflections I have about the third sector from within the third sector. I believe it is valuable to pause, think, and write to explain and share reflections. This helps us become aware of where we are and perhaps where we should be heading. The following reflection is personal and undoubtedly biased, as someone who has worked for years in the third sector, specifically in the field of intellectual disabilities, focusing on management and strategy. It does not aim to be an exhaustive or validated analysis; it is merely a perspective from within the sector. Innovation in Models of Care for People : In recent months, and probably years, both in meetings with other sector entities and listening to the administration's intentions, I see a trend towards changes in care models. However, from my point of view, this is happening much more slowly than I be


  Original article published in catalan on 08/10/2023 We can define collective knowledge as that which results from conversations and dialogues among different people with various knowledge and disciplines, methodologically gathered as pointed out in the article “Collective Knowledge: From Reflection to Action.” As with any interaction between people, the dynamics at play will be key to the outcome of what we obtain. In this reflection, I want to emphasize the importance of being aware of the mental frameworks and biases that operate in each of us and the need to maintain an open and conscious attitude if we truly want to contribute to the co-creation of knowledge. To promote the construction of collective knowledge, it will be important for the different participants to be willing to step outside their own mental frameworks; it would be like deactivating the “operating system” with which each of us is functioning. At the same time, they should develop a genuine willingness to un